Once you're familiar with Content Types, you can begin to work with components. In this module we'll cover:

What are Components?

You can think of components as individual building blocks you can add to a content type to create various layouts. They are like puzzle pieces that you can place on a form, which in this context, represents your content.

In our Web Style Guide, you'll find a Components page where you can see the different components available in Drupal such as Text, Single Column, 75-25 Full Width, and more. Explore each component to see different ways you can utilize them.

Visit our Components Overview page for a brief description of the components available →

How Do I Add, Edit, Delete, or Sort Components?

Components can be found in the Main Content section of various content types. In this section you'll be able to add or modify them as needed.

Not all components are available to all content types, most components are only present in Pages.

Refer to our Working with Components article for more detailed information →

Breakdown of the Common Tabs, Fields, and Functionality of Components

As you start working with components, you'll find that many of them share similar elements. Similar to content types, many of the fields and tabs are the same or similar. The difference is in how Drupal displays them to the public user. 

While many components are available across multiple content types, you may notice a few content types where one or more of the components described are not available for selection.

Learn about the Components Tabs and Fields

The Text Component is widely used throughout the site. It is used as a standalone component and is used as part of other components. It has a lot of capabilities and features to support your content needs.

Learn about the Text Component Capabilities 

← 3. Content & Content Types
5. Accessibility →