We understand that not everyone has access to professional image editing tools or that they may be too complex for most situations. Not to worry! Let's review a few alternatives that will help you size your images without losing your mind.

We hope you find this information helpful but please keep in mind that the Web Team does not provide support for third-party tools like the ones listed below.

For Windows

We can crop and resize images in Microsoft Paint:

  1. Open the image in Paint, by right clicking it and selecting Open with Paint
  2. To Crop
    1. Click the Select tool (dashed rectangle icon), in the toolbar
    2. Draw a rectangle in the desired format
    3. Then select Crop from the toolbar
  3. To Resize
    1. Click the Resize tool, next to Select, in the toolbar
    2. Use Pixels to be able to specify exact dimensions and Maintain aspect ratio to ensure your image is not distorted
    3. Enter the desired dimensions
      Remember: Do NOT make images larger! Only resize to smaller dimensions.
    4. Click OK
  4. Select File → Save. For most cases jpg format will work best.

For macOS

We can crop and resize images in Preview:

  1. Open the image, double clicking it should default to Preview
  2. Select the Show Markup Toolbar (Marker tip in a circle icon)
  3. To Crop
    1. Click the Selection Tools (dashed rectangle icon)
    2. Draw a rectangle in the desired format
    3. Then select Crop from the toolbar
  4. To Resize
    1. Click the Adjust Size tool, in the toolbar
    2. Use Scale proportionally to ensure your image is not distorted
    3. Enter the desired dimensions
      Remember: Do NOT make images larger! Only resize to smaller dimensions.
    4. Click OK
  5. To Save
    1. Select File → Save to update the current file.
    2. Or select File → Export to save to a new file. For most cases jpg format will work best.

In the Browser

If the tools mentioned above are not available or don't meet your requirements, you can also use Pixlr:

Please keep in mind that as with any online service, you have no control where the images may be uploaded or stored. Review the product's privacy policy for more info.


  1. Use the following link to navigate to Pixlr X (pixlr.com/x/)
  2. Select Open Image to browse and upload the image
  3. To Crop
    1. Select the Crop & Rotate tool
    2. Use the anchors in the rectangle to crop the image to the desired format or the Width and Height fields to enter exact dimensions.
    3. Click Apply
  4. To Save and Resize
    1. Select Save
    2. For most cases, jpg format will work best.
    3. Enter the dimensions desired
      Remember: Do NOT make images larger! Only resize to smaller dimensions.
    4. Click Save As


  1. Use the following link to navigate to Befunky (https://www.befunky.com/create/)
  2. You have two options on how to upload your image
    1. Drag and Drop
    2. Open from your computer, Open-->Computer
  3. To Crop
    1. Under Essentials
      1. click on Crop
    2. in the dropdown there are a number of presets, the default is Freeform.  Freeform will allow you to crop to one of our dimensions.
    3. Orientation
      1. Portrait
      2. Landscape
    4. Width select
    5. Height select
    6. Lock Aspect Ratio checkbox(Only use this if you want the size and width to change when you change the dimensions of the crop box, if you use this, you do not need to set the height or width).
    7. Click on Apply
  4. To Resize
    1. Under Essentials 
      1. click on Resize
    2. Adjust the Width or Height and the other will adjust
    3. The X-Scale and Y-Scale will adjust with the Hight and width.
    4. Click on Apply
  5. To Save
    1. At the top click Save
    2. then save it to your computer


  1. Use the following link to navigate to PhotoPea(https://www.photopea.com/)
  2. Select the button, "Open from Computer"
  3. To Crop
    1. Click on the Crop Icon in the right-side toolbar
    2. Change Free to be either Fixed Size or Fixed Ratio
    3. enter your values
    4. When you are finished, click on the checkmark
  4. To Resize
    1. Under Image, go to Image size
    2. Change the Width or Height
    3. Click OK
  5. To Save
    1. Go to File-->Export as-->how you want it saved as
    2. Give it a name, following our proper naming conventions
    3. Adjust the Quality(Optional)
    4. Click Save